In dieser landesweiten Kohortenstudie an Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit ADHS war die Einnahme von ADHS-Medikamenten mit weniger Krankenhauseinweisungen sowohl wegen psychiatrischer als auch nichtpsychiatrischer Morbidität und geringerem Suizidverhalten verbunden
Interesting study with a big cohort. But the study design is suboptimal due to the resulting cofounders. Having these medications prescribed is probably associated to a better supply/ availability of psychiatric care.
Can we also pretty please get drugs designed for adults and not for kinds who has to focus during schooltime? In Itay it’s either IR or Equasym, and given the 8h profile I can usually choose to be either under or overmedicated. Just approve Concerta, it’s not that difficult, you idiots!