Besorgnis über wachsende Zahl arbeitender Menschen im Vereinigten Königreich, die „ums Überleben kämpfen“

Von peakedtooearly


  1. hobbityone on

    No one who works a full time job should be struggling to make ends meet, full stop.
    Every full time job should allow people to cover the essentials such as food and shelter as well as have a bit of savings at the end.
    This should apply to everyone, barista to barrister.

  2. If you have the resources and opportunity to get out. Do so. There are far greater opportunities elsewhere in the world.

  3. essex-scot on

    I’m alarmed at the size of the flat screen TVs in the local council flats. I would like one too but I prefer to save up from whats left of my after tax income.

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