Die Regierung stoppt die Abschiebung eines in British Columbia ansässigen Klimaaktivisten



  1. snipsnaptickle on

    This was a mistake. He was arrested 10 times. 10. Times. Imagine going to a foreign country and agitating so much you are arrested TEN TIMES and then having the audacity and entitlement to fight to stay.

    I actually find this disgusting.

  2. > Cohn said the border agency failed to communicate with the university and carry out a full investigation, a procedural shortcut he worried could intimidate other international students and create a “chilling effect” on their free speech.

    If/when the police start to make substantial arrests in the antisemitic marches we’ve seen since 10/7, I imagine this is an excuse we’re going to see since some of these protesters have been ID’d as foreign students (foreign political interference?). How convenient that we have a precedent being set that will benefit further international activists in future years and ideally, in their minds, with a future non-Liberal government.

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