Wissenschaftler unterzeichnen eine Erklärung, in der sie behaupten, dass mehr Tiere empfindungsfähig sein könnten



  1. Travelcat67 on

    I mean didn’t we all know this but didn’t want to admit it? Just even the sentient nature of the meerkats on ‘Meerkat Manor’ made me “know”. Those meerkats loved the camera! Veganism is hard for me but I’m trying bc I feel too guilty. And added benefit it’s better for the environment.

  2. As we dig deeper, we don’t most animals are sentient, self aware as opposed to when the thinking that animals were too stupid to even experience pain You do know the whole sentient thing was a easy way to leave behind your guilt to continuing torturing and murdering animals to keep up your meat eating diets. 

  3. Necessary-Outside-40 on

    Birds are definitely sentient. The little dinosaurs have had plenty of time to get their language together as well as meaningful communication.

  4. Sharkivore on

    Well, yeah, the push for non-sentience in animals has largely been enforced by religious doctrines.

  5. I think the concept of sentience is more a matter of overestimating the human experience than it is a matter of underestimating animals. We have the ability to apply language to our experience, which allows us to consider it in different terms and communicate the result to others. Knowing what we know about what we are and how the brain fits into that, I don’t see how it is possible that anyone imagines other creatures, with essentially the same brain-centric essence, wouldn’t have nearly the identical experience sans language.

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