Dänemark-Datensätze – Strafverurteilungen nach nationaler Herkunft (2010–2021)


Von noxx1234567


  1. NumerousKangaroo8286 on

    How come poor countries like India and Indonesia have such low rates whereas richer countries like Morocco and Kuwait so high?

  2. Little-Sky-2999 on

    What everyone knew intuitively for decades.

    Nothing about the current situation is surprising, and nothing that is to come will be surprising either.

    And thats the utter shame of it.

  3. Old-Savings-5841 on

    This is common knowledge, but i feel the need to point out that it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t let in immigrants, or treat them the way we (& especially some) do. They are human beings who, as shown here, typically don’t get in to trouble, and contribute a shit ton to the country, including billions of euros.

  4. Difficult_Bet8884 on

    Wait. Why have I never met anyone from Kuwait? Any other Danes never met anyone from Kuwait?

  5. Maj0r-DeCoverley on

    The important part here being: *not adjusted for gender, age, [or wealth, or residence status]*

    Between a wealthy 60 years old woman from France just here for vacations, and a destitute teenage migrant, who do you think is more at risk of commiting a crime (and also: to be caught before they can go away).

    I’m not saying it completely erases differences between origins, far from it. Just that some people should learn to read a chart before screaming.

  6. This chart suggests that Danish nationals are convicted in, what, like 5% of the total number of criminal cases?

    That can’t possibly be true.

    Also come on, you done Ukraine dirty labelling it “other”

  7. Former Yugoslavia FTW (Yugoslavia, Federal republic + Serbia and Montenegro + Yugoslavia + Bosnia & Herzegovina + Croatia)

    Edit: i missed Republic of North Macedonia. All together is abt. 17. Slovenians are slacking

  8. If it is between 2010 and 2021, why do Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union appear? And at the same time Serbia, Montenegro, Russia and Ukraine appear.

  9. AlmightySheBO on

    As a middle eastern I can say it’s conviction for misgendering some guy in a dress 🙂

  10. Comfortable_Shine425 on

    Yugoslavia? Am I missing something? Did Serbia win the war with NATO?

  11. BackAgain123457 on

    As a Dutchy i was looking for the moroccans. Wasn’t surprised.

  12. Patient_Bullfrog_ on

    So what’s the point of a list sorted by race? How does it stop crime?

  13. We have something like this in Finland too and from that data it is interesting how the types of crimes (qualitative) are distributed within and between groups.

    Some groups are clearly overrepresented in one type of crime while being completely absent from another.

    Like with all data, such charts can never tell the whole story. I bet it reveals more insights if it is broken down by location and so on.

  14. Why are so many from Africa? Are they racist? Do they think they are Americans?

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