Bitcoin läutet die vierte Halbierung ein, da die Blocksubventionsprämie der Miner auf 3,125 BTC sinkt


  1. HunterHunted on

    Watching the ticker count down the blocks in real time was more exciting than I expected. This is gonna be a hell of a year people! Best of luck, don’t be stupid!

  2. LeSeanMcoy on

    While the halving means nothing on it’s own, the few times this has happened in the past point towards the next two years following the halving being a bull-run. Important to note that we only have 3 real points of data “confirming” this, with 2012, 2016, and 2020. Also worth pointing out that it stands to reason that each of these halving events constricts the supply less and less each time, meaning in a vacuum it should have less and less of an effect each time on the price of BTC. *Also* also worth noting, that the entire ecosystem surrounding crypto changes dramatically each time. Now there are plenty of large firms and ETFs that have invested in BTC. Their own actions could drive the market much more than retail buyers at this point.

    Basically, we know nothing, don’t bet the house, but accumulate if you believe in BTC.

  3. coinfeeds-bot on

    tldr; Bitcoin’s fourth halving event has occurred, reducing the block subsidy reward for miners from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC. This halving, which took place at block height 840,000, marks a significant milestone as it means nearly 95% of all bitcoins will have been mined by April 2024. The reduction in subsidy rewards could impact less efficient mining operations and overall network metrics, potentially leading to greater centralization among larger mining entities. However, advancements in mining technology and strategies may mitigate these effects.

    *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

  4. systembreaker on

    Now I’m picturing everyone standing in exchanges like cowboys, frozen, fingers wiggling over their gun holster, as they wait for someone to make the first move.

  5. SL-Gremory- on

    Call me overly optimistic but I’m still thinking we’re on track for 100k EOY 2021.

  6. 66theDude99 on

    Two 500k in fees just to be on the halving block lol what a crazy world

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