Did they seriously compare him to aaron Bushnell? God, we’re living in a simulation and it is tiring
Steve-lrwin on
The irony of front-page redditors calling this guy MAGA, when he was the polar opposite. Looking at his posts he was left-wing (although seemed to also push the idea that all politics is Kayfabe wrestling).
ReturnoftheSnek on
Or maybe Reddit is “secretly” a Fed honeypot and a breeding ground for a new flavor of MKU and therefore it’s working as intended and will never be investigated for anything
Dead internet theory, or welcome to the largest operational ~~honeypot~~ social experiment since Pol
BarryCrumb on
His name is Maxwell Azzarello
OvertinMiss on
Is this the result of Reddit’s devolution into a far-left echo chamber?
>On March 22 a 14-year-old girl from Arizona made a post to r.runaway warning users about another Redditor who she believed housed 2 other runaways and had s*x with them regularly and wanted to have s*x with her.
>This post was removed by r.runaway moderators.
M0ons608 on
With how many undercover cia and feds plus cops on here….. Probably not.
Mitch_81 on
How is reddit responsible for someone else’s mental health problems.
IceyCoolRunnings on
Reddit undoubtedly needs a mod purge
Altruistic_Yak4390 on
Shit ain’t gonna change until people realize unity amongst all is the only way.
Silverwing-N-ex on
Well, Elon has an account on here fyi
CindersNAshes on
Just as soon as Hillary is arrested, and Biden investigated for his crimes. So no, probably not.
2201992 on
Reddit is DNC Propaganda. They won’t be investigated
Main-Comparison733 on
No they won’t be investigated. This is what they want. Just like they want tik tok gone because when we share information they need to control it.
MoonWillow91 on
I have no idea what’s going on here…. Genuine question though… did the highlighted text basically say that dude knows both parties are corrupt but that he sides with one of them? Is left and right affiliation not usually congruent to republicans vs democrats?
censorship wont make redditors smarter
Did they seriously compare him to aaron Bushnell? God, we’re living in a simulation and it is tiring
The irony of front-page redditors calling this guy MAGA, when he was the polar opposite. Looking at his posts he was left-wing (although seemed to also push the idea that all politics is Kayfabe wrestling).
Or maybe Reddit is “secretly” a Fed honeypot and a breeding ground for a new flavor of MKU and therefore it’s working as intended and will never be investigated for anything
Dead internet theory, or welcome to the largest operational ~~honeypot~~ social experiment since Pol
His name is Maxwell Azzarello
Is this the result of Reddit’s devolution into a far-left echo chamber?
There was also a man [arrested](https://twitter.com/reddit_lies/status/1774911465993945283) recently for grooming a 14-year-old in the runaways subreddit.
>On March 22 a 14-year-old girl from Arizona made a post to r.runaway warning users about another Redditor who she believed housed 2 other runaways and had s*x with them regularly and wanted to have s*x with her.
>This post was removed by r.runaway moderators.
With how many undercover cia and feds plus cops on here….. Probably not.
How is reddit responsible for someone else’s mental health problems.
Reddit undoubtedly needs a mod purge
Shit ain’t gonna change until people realize unity amongst all is the only way.
Well, Elon has an account on here fyi
Just as soon as Hillary is arrested, and Biden investigated for his crimes. So no, probably not.
Reddit is DNC Propaganda. They won’t be investigated
No they won’t be investigated. This is what they want. Just like they want tik tok gone because when we share information they need to control it.
I have no idea what’s going on here…. Genuine question though… did the highlighted text basically say that dude knows both parties are corrupt but that he sides with one of them? Is left and right affiliation not usually congruent to republicans vs democrats?