Aktuelle Informationen zum massiven Morgenangriff russischer Invasoren (in den Kommentaren)


Von UNITED24Media


  1. UNITED24Media on

    • Over Kyiv and its surrounding area, *air defense forces shot down approximately thirty Russian missiles,* as reported by the head of the Kyiv City Military Administration.

    • The attacks were carried out *using cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, including the rare “Kinzhal” missiles.*

    • *Missile debris fell on a kindergarten, residential buildings, an enterprise, and cars in a parking lot.* The explosion wave blew out windows in apartment buildings. *A transformer substation and a two-story non-residential building caught fire, as did an apartment in a residential building and cars in a parking lot. People are being evacuated.*

    • As of now, it is known that *10 people were injured, including one child* (In the photo, people are hiding in the subway).

  2. SivemasAttw on

    Ukraine: targeting oil refineries and military targets
    Russia: targeting civilians

  3. Italianboy452 on

    Russian Cowards!

    Every time I think, “Russia can’t get much pathetic,” the orcs prove me wrong and attack innocent people because that’s how ruzzians always operate. They are thugs and criminals, and I hope Russia collapses like Yugoslavia.

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