Steve Huffman, CEO von Reddit, verdient mehr als die Chefs von Meta, Pinterest und Snap – zusammen


  1. Ok_Banana_6984 on

    Massive grifter. Fire him, pay anyone 100 times less and watch the company take off.

  2. another_plebeian on

    Fuck spez. Garbage app still trash when regular people already made better apps.

  3. djphatjive on

    Guess it’s our duty to make sure the stock goes down to 1 dollar

  4. OUTheMovie on

    He’s also a probably a bigger twat than the other three combined

  5. Sushrit_Lawliet on

    It ain’t fuck u/spez anymore, it’s fire u/spez. Dirt bag will bleed investor money and the company just to enrich himself while adding no value.

  6. turningsteel on

    I’ll invest in Reddit when they get a CEO that has a clue. It’s amazing how badly they’ve bungled the road to IPO and I blame Huff.

  7. redvelvetcake42 on

    The funny thing is how his whole grift is likely to somewhat fail. I don’t see any monied types going bananas over Reddit. They have been for a few years now just how much of a pit these things are and advertising doesn’t cover nearly enough cost for profit to be worth the investment.

  8. ImmortalBeans on

    How about giving that money to the people that uploaded the actual content we are all scrolling through.

  9. Proper-Ear8482 on

    From a company that’s never made a profit in 20 years and whose second and third largest shareholders are Tencent and Sam Altman.

  10. blackteashirt on

    So he’s raping the company. Great stuff! can’t wait for the IPO to tank.

  11. Hm, you have to start asking what he did to earn that. The board did green light that paycheck because they’re stupid

  12. *Makes Angry noises*

    *proceeds to continue using Reddit*

    The virtue signaling is deafening

  13. Solid_Illustrator640 on

    Not only that, they are losing $150 million because he takes a pay of $200 million.

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