Getötet, weil er kein Englisch spricht: Opfer des Angriffs meldet sich zu Wort

Von user90857


  1. > He believes there are bad people everywhere, but the difference he says, is that people in Dublin don’t fear the gardaí.

    This! I hope this won’t happen again. RIP

  2. The irony of Irish people beating someone in Ireland for not speaking English. Don’t go near a Gaeltacht then.

  3. I was appalled to hear the other lady speaking about having been her 8 years now with an Irish husband and a child born here not feeling safe and welcome here anymore.

    Social media and cunts running it and on it have a lot to answer for, that’s where a large chunk of this is coming from and being driven by.

  4. RemnantOfSpotOn on

    Wow…Oonagh Smyth traveled to croatia to write that… What a low quality interview… didn’t even bother to write names correctly. The article ended as if she ran out of ink….

  5. High_Flyer87 on

    Ffs folks it’s about time us middle classes got off our arsed and mobilised against the hate and xenophobia in our society. It’s not OK.

    It’s getting worse.

  6. Social media engineered campaigns have fostered that hate toward foreigners. I work in an international environment and I am a foreigner myself. We all feel the heat. It’s not just foreigners… It’s gay people too.

    We also all believe the Gardaí is the most useless police force we’ve ever seen.

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