[OC] Monatliche Bestandsdaten während Covid19

Von Alarming_Sun1476


  1. Alarming_Sun1476 on

    Hello, I would like to share a[ tutorial for animated timeline graphs](https://medium.com/@tom.duricek/bringing-data-to-life-crafting-animated-timeline-graphs-from-dust-0cbb40ff8737) using Python’s library Plotly. Data are pulled from [Nasdaq](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/). Due to feedback earlier this day, I recreated graph to be based on real data. Point of the article is to provide a step-by-step tutorial, how to construct such graphs, using synthetic data, which you can later reuse for your own data.

  2. I have no idea what the average price is supposed to represent. It is neither the average stock price nor the market cap.

  3. LtUnsolicitedAdvice on

    What even is this? What’s average price? Why is it animated? Why these 4 companies?

  4. Mindless-Activity448 on

    Thanks for your post, which software do you use to create this animation please ?

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