Arby’s stellt 16.892 US-Dollar zur Verfügung, um Kinder in Tennessee zu ernähren, nachdem die Republikaner eine Rechnung für kostenloses Schulessen blockiert haben


  1. HauntingJackfruit on

    >According to a report from TimesNews, the fast food chain Arby’s has committed a $16,892 grant towards feeding Tennessee school children in Hawkins County after Republicans blocked a free school meal bill.

  2. MiyamotoKnows on

    When Arby’s has more morals than you…
    What is this obsession with the GOP wanting to make kids go hungry? Can it get more evil?

  3. Mean_Eye_8735 on

    Arby’s…. Not the states governments, not the churches but it is Arby’s that steps up to help feed hungry children.

    I love the Arby’s French dip, happy I’m supporting a company that has some empathy for hungry children.

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