Mit dem Haushaltsplan 2024 werden die Stipendien für Doktoranden zum ersten Mal seit 2003 erhöht: Alle Bundesstipendien und -stipendien werden nun auf den Wert von 27.000 US-Dollar für Master-Stipendiaten, 40.000 US-Dollar für Doktoranden und 70.000 US-Dollar für Postdoktoranden vereinheitlicht.
Previously, Master’s students were making as low as $17,500, Doctoral students as low as $20,000, and Post-docs as low as $45,000.
Very long overdue. I never ended up doing graduate school after my undergrad and it was entirely due to financial strain. Hoping future generations of academics who don’t happen to be born rich have better opportunities than I did.
We cut out so many brilliant young people because they can’t afford to learn.