Regierungstelegrammkanal Russische Friedenstruppen haben aserbaidschanisches Territorium verlassen

Von Weak-Address-386


  1. datashrimp29 on

    Interesting. I thought it was only the church they left. But apparently, they left the country altogether.

  2. RitzCarltonBaku on

    Nə oldu ay kurdechanian? Bəs ruslar çıxmazdı heç vaxt? Nə oldu bəs işğal altında idik?

  3. RitzCarltonBaku on

    Can’t wait for Sevinc Osmanqızı’s meltdown over this. Lmao she was hoping for Armenians to return there and Russians to stay. Nə oldu ay Osmanqızı?

  4. One year ago, If we asked Armenians about Azerbaijan taking control of Nagorno Karabakh they would say Russians would never leave the region and give it to Azerbaijan. How the turns tables.

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