Great. Prices will never come down though, the price anchoring effect has already taken a firm hold. “Passing the savings onto the consumer” only happens in real capitalism, not in the end-stage capitalist oligarch ruled hellscape in which we presently reside.
StevenMcStevensen on
Paywall so I can’t read it.
But I sure hope so, we could only be so fortunate.
AustralisBorealis64 on
So, you’re saying the NDP isn’t completely useless?
CyrilSneerLoggingDiv on
“Et tu, Brutus Singh?” -Trudeau
JonnyB2_YouAre1 on
Ok but what about all the other things he enabled Trudeau to get through that are hurting Canadians?
glx89 on
Yay! Soon we’ll get less free money from the wealthiest polluters!
I was worried about those guys!
Hope all of this pro-environmental stuff didn’t hurt the fossil fuel industry too bad. I’d trade our biosphere for shareholder profit *any day*.
martyrobbinz88 on
I think I may have an idea of what the NDP’s current strategy is.
They’ve now seen a route successful enough to prop up a party. (anti carbon tax)
They’re going to gain some traction polling against it, scoop up some support from people who are anti carbon tax and that their party aligns with more idealogically.
Then when they feel they are at their strongest, call an election, lose to the cons and come in as the opposition, leaving the LPC decimated, as they should be for hurting us so badly.
I despise singh, but if they became the opposition and then brought in a new leader to work against/with the current conservatives who are more central focused at this time… might not be the worst future outlook, but IMO only if they ditch singh.
Zenpher on
The Liberals can keep it alive with the Bloc.
FourOpposums on
Honestly wtf is up with the NDP? JT and PP are on the ropes and they could have killed it in the next election but instead Singh decided to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
camelsgofar on
So Poilievre and Singh a couple now? /s
Morning_Joey_6302 on
The day carbon pricing raised gas prices a barely noticeable 3.3 cents a litre where I live, they went up five times as much for completely unrelated market reasons. Including some cynical opportunism and greed on the part of the oil companies.
The climate crisis is here. If we are not going to face it this way, we had bloody well better face it another way. The most recent carbon price increase was less than typical day-to-day gas price fluctuations.
darkestvice on
Wait … Singh grew a spine? When did this happen?
sleepyboylol on
Wonderful, the people do have some power. What should we fix next?
Popular_Animator_808 on
Y’know, I live in one of those weird areas where the NDP and the greens are the only parties that have any chance of winning, and I’m really not sure how this is going to play out
squirrel9000 on
Honestly, get rid of it. If it prevents PP from winning a majority the loss of a rebate is a sacrifice I’m willing to take.
Beginning-AL on
They’re just renaming it the Carbon Rebate Program.
Euler007 on
Externality remains unsolved.
thendisnigh111349 on
As incompetent as the NDP are, which is very, even they see the writing on the wall that the carbon tax is unpopular and will be long gone the moment an election happens and Trudeau is told by the Canadian people to pack his shit and get out.
weilermachinst on
Why do people post shit that’s behind a fucking paywall?
MeliUsedToBeMelo on
Good – the carbon tax is dumb but honestly, it did slow down my joy rides – so I guess it does help with reducing emissions. but to fn tax household heat – no matter where you live is absolutely bonkers.
DaveThomasTendies on
Good riddance to this tax and its “rebates” to make it look appealing to liberal supporters
jsmooth7 on
I’m having to see the federal NDP taking such a strong policy position on climate change of…. *checks notes…* wait this is just all blank?
Great. Prices will never come down though, the price anchoring effect has already taken a firm hold. “Passing the savings onto the consumer” only happens in real capitalism, not in the end-stage capitalist oligarch ruled hellscape in which we presently reside.
Paywall so I can’t read it.
But I sure hope so, we could only be so fortunate.
So, you’re saying the NDP isn’t completely useless?
“Et tu, Brutus Singh?” -Trudeau
Ok but what about all the other things he enabled Trudeau to get through that are hurting Canadians?
Yay! Soon we’ll get less free money from the wealthiest polluters!
I was worried about those guys!
Hope all of this pro-environmental stuff didn’t hurt the fossil fuel industry too bad. I’d trade our biosphere for shareholder profit *any day*.
I think I may have an idea of what the NDP’s current strategy is.
They’ve now seen a route successful enough to prop up a party. (anti carbon tax)
They’re going to gain some traction polling against it, scoop up some support from people who are anti carbon tax and that their party aligns with more idealogically.
Then when they feel they are at their strongest, call an election, lose to the cons and come in as the opposition, leaving the LPC decimated, as they should be for hurting us so badly.
I despise singh, but if they became the opposition and then brought in a new leader to work against/with the current conservatives who are more central focused at this time… might not be the worst future outlook, but IMO only if they ditch singh.
The Liberals can keep it alive with the Bloc.
Honestly wtf is up with the NDP? JT and PP are on the ropes and they could have killed it in the next election but instead Singh decided to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
So Poilievre and Singh a couple now? /s
The day carbon pricing raised gas prices a barely noticeable 3.3 cents a litre where I live, they went up five times as much for completely unrelated market reasons. Including some cynical opportunism and greed on the part of the oil companies.
The climate crisis is here. If we are not going to face it this way, we had bloody well better face it another way. The most recent carbon price increase was less than typical day-to-day gas price fluctuations.
Wait … Singh grew a spine? When did this happen?
Wonderful, the people do have some power. What should we fix next?
Y’know, I live in one of those weird areas where the NDP and the greens are the only parties that have any chance of winning, and I’m really not sure how this is going to play out
Honestly, get rid of it. If it prevents PP from winning a majority the loss of a rebate is a sacrifice I’m willing to take.
They’re just renaming it the Carbon Rebate Program.
Externality remains unsolved.
As incompetent as the NDP are, which is very, even they see the writing on the wall that the carbon tax is unpopular and will be long gone the moment an election happens and Trudeau is told by the Canadian people to pack his shit and get out.
Why do people post shit that’s behind a fucking paywall?
Good – the carbon tax is dumb but honestly, it did slow down my joy rides – so I guess it does help with reducing emissions. but to fn tax household heat – no matter where you live is absolutely bonkers.
Good riddance to this tax and its “rebates” to make it look appealing to liberal supporters
I’m having to see the federal NDP taking such a strong policy position on climate change of…. *checks notes…* wait this is just all blank?