Laut CMHC sind die Baubeginne in Kanada im März im Vergleich zum Vormonat um 7 % zurückgegangen
Housing starts in Canada fall 7% in March from previous month, CMHC says
Laut CMHC sind die Baubeginne in Kanada im März im Vergleich zum Vormonat um 7 % zurückgegangen
Housing starts in Canada fall 7% in March from previous month, CMHC says
Well, so much for providing housing supply.
“When looking at year-over-year figures, March’s actual housing starts were 10 per cent higher in Toronto and 15 per cent higher in Vancouver because of an increase in multi-unit starts.”
Silver lining because those are where development is needed the most right now. But not great overall. Interest rates really killing building right now
It just keeps getting “better”. Young Canadians simply can’t win.
The private sector needs to be pushed. They are hording homes and equity firms are buying them up.
People who believe in a pure free market without Government interference are even more gullible than the belief in pure Communism.
Don’t worry. The Liberals said they’d build 3.9M homes by 2031. That’s about 560,000 completions a year. So this current rate of 242,195 is certainly a mistake or will magically increase by 230% shortly.
What a fucking joke this country has become.
8 years of left leaning policies