Die norwegische Ölgesellschaft weigert sich, amerikanische Truppen Öl und Ressourcen bereitzustellen
sanandrios on 16.04.2024 3:06 AM The [Vienna night train](https://www.nightjet.com/en/reiseziele/oesterreich/wien) is run by ÖBB Nightjet. The [Prague night train](https://www.europeansleeper.eu/prague) is run by European Sleeper. And both run night trains to Berlin. Brussels Midi is the departure station. A night train to Barcelona is [expected in 2025.](https://www.brusselstimes.com/362919/brussels-to-barcelona-rail-connection-could-become-reality-in-2025) The longest journey is Brussels to Prague at 15h 34min (departs at 19:22 and arrives at 10:56).
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The [Vienna night train](https://www.nightjet.com/en/reiseziele/oesterreich/wien) is run by ÖBB Nightjet. The [Prague night train](https://www.europeansleeper.eu/prague) is run by European Sleeper. And both run night trains to Berlin. Brussels Midi is the departure station. A night train to Barcelona is [expected in 2025.](https://www.brusselstimes.com/362919/brussels-to-barcelona-rail-connection-could-become-reality-in-2025) The longest journey is Brussels to Prague at 15h 34min (departs at 19:22 and arrives at 10:56).