Wäre es für mich in Ordnung, das „merimiehen hauta“-Tattoo in der oberen rechten Ecke zu bekommen, wenn ich kein Finne bin? Ich liebe einfach traditionelle Tattoos und finde, dass sie cool aussehen.


Von inkedfluff


  1. inkedfluff on

    Yes, I will make sure it is spelled correctly. And I have realized that Finnish has nothing in common with Swedish or Danish.

  2. Cultural appropriation is a bulshit Americans created. Nobody cares what tattoo you do in rest of the world. People might say it looks good or it looks shit that’s all…

  3. BengBeng_93 on

    I’m pretty sure most of us would be happy that you even thought about getting a Finnish tattoo. We’re not exactly first in line to complain about cultural appropriation.

  4. PotemkinSuplex on

    Dunno about how it is in Finland, but I’ve read that sea tattoos used to carry a lot of symbolism for people of associated professions. Getting a sailor’s tattoo while not being a sailor, with an inscription on a language you don’t speak and another country’s flag on it seems kinda shallow, does it not? I don’t think people would be offended by it though.

  5. Getting a Finnish language tattoo is one thing, but getting a tattoo signifying something very meaningful (“a seaman’s grave”) when you’re not a part of that life, can be, well. 

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