Kürzlich bin ich von Swisscom zu Yallo gewechselt. Insgesamt ist die Abdeckung in Städten mehr oder weniger in Ordnung, aber wenn ich in den Zug steige, kann ich einfach kein Internet nutzen, obwohl ich über eine 5G-Vier-Bar-Verbindung verfüge. Jetzt denke ich darüber nach, auf Wingo umzusteigen. Weiß jemand, ob es eine gute Zugverbindung gibt?
Von leeroyyyyyyyy
Wingo is on the Swisscom network. So it should be exactly the same as your previous mobile plan with Swisscom
This looks pretty bad. Where was this? Was it during rush hour? I am with Salt and overall quite content with the service, although the experience on trains is also rather lackluster…
Looks about normal for the Sunrise network
Just go with Wingo, it’s pretty much the same as swisscom, it does have a bit less priority, I sometimes get a bit lower speeds over Wingo than my Swisscom work phone
For example just tested in the Train, Swisscom git 750 Mbit/s Download and 120 Mbit/s Upload and Wingo got only 600 Mbit/s Download and 110 Mbit/s Upload
Try to use Swisscom, Salt or Sunrise because these are the only telecom companies that have their own mobile network.
Telecom companies will always serve their own customers first, and everyone else second. This is why the Internet is not working for you when you are on a train.
Yallo has a shitty coverage. On the train near to Thalwil and Enge, there are dead spots with literally zero service.
Check the results from the network test in trains here.
For this exact reason I switched from Yallo back to the Swisscom network after just a year with Yallo. Though this time I went with Wingo instead of Swisscom directly but you still get the Swisscom network for much cheaper prices.