Michael Higgins: Ist Trudeau bewusst, dass er seit acht Jahren Premierminister ist?



  1. HarbourJayKay on

    Empty promises have kept him there for 8 years, of course he thinks it will work for another 4.

  2. BakinforBacon on

    Title is stupid, Trudeau knows he is PM. It’s just that the job isn’t worth doing unless Canada is fellating him endlessly as the visionary he thinks he is.

    We know when things get difficult Trudeau will blame someone else and his supporters are all to happy to parrot the message.

  3. Infinitewisdom4u on

    He would like to keep living in 6k per night hotels with 200k airplane food spends on the taxpayer dime. His lies know no bounds.

  4. New-Throwaway2541 on

    He seems like he REALLY wants a global leadership position and that’s all he cares about

  5. *After 8 years of making housing more unaffordable, the Liberals say they are finally going to fix it. Sure they are …*

    The way he responds to questions, you would think he was elected 8 weeks ago as opposed to 8 years ago. It’s really bizarre.

    Does he really believe Canadians are going to vote for the government to fix the housing crisis that THEY caused. He can’t be that stupid.

  6. JoseMachismo on

    And it’s time for today’s round of “What’s dumber? The National Post column or the commenters?”

  7. doctorstasis on

    Does Postmedia realize they are losing 80 million dollars a year and still throwing money at opinion columnists to tell us things we already know?

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