Bitte sehen Sie sich das Bild unten an: Ich frage mich, ob ми, ти, му, ѝ, ни, ви und им alle anderen ersetzen könnten? Könnte им zum Beispiel нивни, нивниот usw. ersetzen? Wenn nicht, wann weiß ich, wann ich eine dieser verschiedenen Variationen verwenden soll?

Von Lexen94


  1. With different variations I meant the ones to the right. I understand that the other ones are for masculine, neutral, feminine and plural in undecided and decided forms.

  2. Altruistic-Solid-549 on

    No they can’t.

    Second to fifth column are all variations of possessive pronouns.

    Second column are possessive pronouns for masculine nouns.
    Third are for feminine nouns.
    Fourth for third person nouns.
    Fifth for plural nouns.

    For example:That is my phone.
    Would be:Тоа е мојот телефон.
    That’s because the noun is masculine.

    On the other hand ми ти му ѝ ни ви им are indirect object pronouns

    Example:Тој ми кажа(He told me)

  3. Imbackonreddityay on

    No, as the other person explained.
    In saying that, in terms of what you were thinking, the best example I can think of is:
    Тие се нивни(те) предмети. (Тhose are their(s) objects.
    You can also say: Тие им се предметите. Or Тие им се нивните предмети.

    Нека ме поправи некој, ако згрешив.

  4. polydwarf48 on

    As possessives you use the ones on the right mostly with family members. For example it’s much more common to say мајка ми (‘my mom’) instead of мојата мајка.
    This also goes for other family members of course (татко ми/ти/му…, брат ми/ти/му…, сестра ми…)

  5. JuniorLobster on

    Yes you can, but not in all cases.

    My pizza arrived – Мојата пица стигна – Ми стигна пицата

    Both of them work, most people would use the second version; but keep in mind that this is dativ, so it’s not to be confused with the possessive.

    That is my car. – Тоа е мојата кола. (Correct) – Тоа е кола ми. (Incorrect)

    This is a case where it doesn’t work. You can use this form, but only for people: татко ми, мајка ми, брат ми etc.

    Hope this helps.

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