Kalifornien hat gerade einen wichtigen Meilenstein seit fast zwei Wochen erreicht: „Es ist verrückt, dass darüber nicht mehr in den Medien berichtet wird.“
Kalifornien hat gerade einen wichtigen Meilenstein seit fast zwei Wochen erreicht: „Es ist verrückt, dass darüber nicht mehr in den Medien berichtet wird.“
>California has set a benchmark for renewable energy, with wind, solar, and hydro providing 100% of the state’s energy demand for 25 out of the last 32 days (and counting).
Then why is my PG&E bill still so damn high?
Same thing happening in my state. Feels good, but our prices are locked to the most expensive provider on the grid, so the cost is still high. Bet your bottom dollar energy providers manipulate this system beautifully. Still, it’s progress.
Unfortunately the reason it’s not getting more coverage is because it’s good news. The old adage “if it bleed, it leads” has never been more true. Bad news gets ratings and buzz. Good news gets a smile and a changed channel.
Don’t worry. Your bill will never drop. Only up.
It’s not getting more coverage because it is 100% grade A Bullshit. This coming from the state with more morons driving EVs that we can’t afford to charge on our grid and regularly experiences rolling blackouts.