Panamas Präsident sagt, dass es keine Verhandlungen über das Eigentum am Kanal geben wird


  1. GetBentDoofus on

    Excellent. The Panama Canal is in Panama, America has no legitimate claim to it. Let it remain Panamanian.

  2. RelationshipKind7695 on

    Good, don’t give in to trump. Stand up to him, imagine if most democratic countries did.

  3. LastAzzBender on

    Lmao Panama admits in the article China runs both ends of the canal.

  4. Falcons_riseup on

    Cheeto Mussolini is mad he has to pay taxes in Panama and is using this as a way to bully them into giving in

  5. Conscious-Crab-5057 on

    America built that canal, 38,000 died, I think we have a say.

  6. I feel like Trump/his people are just itching for a war and starting a global conflict.

    Everything he is doing is just screaming to the world “Try us. You’ll go down with us”

  7. KidKilobyte on

    I seem to recall us arresting and imprisoning a previous President of Panama. Just saying.

  8. Ya you went into and ripped a country in half for your benefit then to appease and ask for forgiveness you give Panama’s land/water back to them. Then when it suits you, you want it back. Typical US move.

  9. The article should say “we are happy with the compensation China provides us to operate the Panama Canal and they are requiring us to say this to President Trump.”

  10. Effective-Ebb-2805 on

    The president of Panamá should make it even clearer for Trump… he is not very bright, as we know, and has trouble understanding the word “No”. He was never told that as a kid and, well… he’s evidently still a fucking child). Just tell Trump to shove Elon Musk up his ass (I know Musk’s head is already in it, but go for the rest of him, as well).

  11. burnsniper on

    Executive Order remaining the canal to “The Panamerica Canal” income in 3..2..1..

  12. Immediate_Refuse_220 on

    Awww! LOOK at ‘no-dicked Donnie’, talking like he has one!

  13. Nail_Biterr on

    why in the world would there be? It’s like me going sending out a tweet saying “I would like to buy Buckingham Palace’ and expecting the King of England to sit down and haggle a price with me. I have no claim on it, and it’s not even for sale to begin with…

  14. There is more to this than it’s in my country so it’s mine. There is an agreement that needs to be observed. If one party isn’t following that there should be some consideration. Trump can bluster all he wants but he needs to revert back to the agreement and go from there. Just because he wants it doesn’t mean he’ll get it like the kid in the candy isle of the store.

  15. Good for Panama!

    BUT, there has been a lot of increased Chinese involvment with the canal, and I think the US has a right to be concerned and push back against it.

    I worked in Panama (in the former canal zone), and you could still see the bullet holes in buildings from the last time the US invavded. It could happenb again. Panama does not have a standing army, and while the US has abandoned its big bases in the country, it would not be hard for them to come in and take over.

    There is a certain amount of responsibility that the US has to oversee the canal. They built it, and also created Panama as a country. Panamanians have done a good job running it, with the exception of siltation from deforestation near Gatun Lake and especially upstream near Alajuela Lake.

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