1. LauraPhilps7654 on

    I completely sympathize with the sense of dissociation and disdain many feel toward the establishment. The problem is that this frustration often gets misdirected toward movements like Brexit and Trump—neither of which address the underlying issues driving people’s anger.

  2. Top him I’m sure. But what of all the British people who have been deprived of true democracy for decades?

  3. Reverse_Quikeh on

    From the man who wants everyone to return to the office, let’s not pretend this is for any reason other than to make him money.

  4. AlpsSad1364 on

    Well done Alan. Almost makes up for that shitty computer you sold me and those crappy TV programmes you keep churning out.

  5. EvilMonkeySlayer on

    No shit.

    Man says obvious thing. He may be a twat but he is right on that.

  6. Not only was it a huge disaster, the way the entire situation has been handled has been a complete and utter shambles.

  7. Brief-Bumblebee1738 on

    WOW, and he knows fuck-ups, his entire career is based on them

  8. NeverGonnaGiveMewUp on

    Two Alan Sugar posts in one day.

    Does that mean his shitty show is back on the tellybox with nasty spiteful people in fancy suits?

  9. WebDevWarrior on

    Look, I think Sugar is a arsehole of the highest order…

    That being said, when it comes to Brexit, he was firmly in the [Remain](https://news.sky.com/story/alan-sugar-brexit-would-be-a-disaster-for-uk-10293696) camp and when he spoke in the house of lords, he was bang on about calling [Boris a liar and the negotiations a sham](https://hansard.parliament.uk/Lords/2018-10-25/debates/EE786450-654D-4C77-8C9F-5C1CC3AEF640/details#contribution-6F705991-87F4-4D57-A325-064F5DD1AE00). So lets give him this one because as far as Breshit goes, the prick is on the right side of history.

  10. Aromatic_Pudding_234 on

    The biggest disaster of my lifetime was when I was standing outside reception with my mates in 3rd year, thought it’d be funny to do a huge fart, and shat myself.

  11. Maleficent_Cheek_380 on

    He ain’t lying and I voted brexit. Biggest mistake I ever made

  12. ItsaGEO1994 on

    If the ‘remainers’ were so noble, why is it they couldn’t convince the public to vote to remain in the EU?

    It should have been 60:40 remain but it wasn’t. There was too much insulting of people beforehand and people thought fuck you and voted leave.

    Stop calling people stupid, and stop peddling lies like most people who voted leave, did so to get rid of pakistanis. People voted leave in order to control eastern european immigration, which people thought was too high, that and sovereignty.

    It was a mistake, but ‘remain’ have to understand the mistakes they made, and how insulting people doesn’t lead to them agreeing with you.

  13. Damn, and that’s saying something coming from the Amstrad phone guy.

  14. Head-Country-1640 on

    Tell me something that the UK did well in the last 10 years or you can list the things that it did so bad.

  15. OkArea7640 on

    OK, try to imagine this:

    You are in a party. Your friend convinces you that the party sucks, and that there is a much better party at his mate’s house, so you shout: “Go to hell, bunch of idiots, I am going to a better party” before storming out slamming the door. Once outside, you realize that your friend was lying and that there is no party at his mate’s house. Now you have nowhere to go, your friend ran away with your wallet, and your only chance to survive the night is to go back to the old party and beg them to let you in.

    Good luck.

  16. AveragelyBrilliant on

    Brexit ramifications bad in Australia, are they? It’s a tough life as a tax exile.

  17. No_Cucumber3978 on

    Is there a new series of The Apprentice coming soon by any chance? 

    If he could follow in his (DJ’s) footsteps, he probably would. But I am under no illusions that when A.S talks, he has his bank balance in his top pocket. 

  18. managedheap84 on

    What about the email phone, or the Amstrad CPC. That’s got to be up there surely.

    Do actually find myself agreeing with him though.

  19. Spike_Milligoon on

    And this is a guy that invented a fax that was also a phone that was also an email sender that was also a shoe.

  20. Can’t stand the man but his views on Boris, Gove and Brexit have never wavered, apart from backing Boris briefly against Corbyn because he hates Corbyn even more than Brexit.

  21. crapusername47 on

    And this guy used to own Spurs so he knows what he’s talking about.

  22. LordvaderUK on

    Does he deny voting for it? I reckon he’s just the sort of establishment type who wanted it, and is now crying into his champagne.

    Edit: ok he was a staunch remainer who even called out that cunt Boris Johnson. Still don’t like him though!

  23. The_Craig89 on

    Does lord sugar thing we have the memory of a sponge, or a typical Clactonite?

  24. ElliottFlynn on

    I’m pretty sure there have been several world events in his lifetime that have caused untold human suffering

    In reality, we’re a bit worse off than we were before Brexit, I’m not happy about it but let’s have a little perspective

    And he’s still a multi millionaire so fuck off Alan

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