An der Zellform beteiligtes Gen gibt Hinweise auf Linkshändigkeit: Forscher identifizierten seltene Varianten eines Gens (TUBB4B), das an der Steuerung der Zellform beteiligt ist, und stellten fest, dass sie bei Linkshändern 2,7-mal häufiger vorkommen
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>”In most people, the left hemisphere also controls the dominant right hand. The relevant nerve fibers cross from left-to-right in the lower part of the brain. In left-handers, the right hemisphere is in control of the dominant hand. The question is: what causes the asymmetry of the brain to develop differently in left-handers?”
>TUBB4B controls a protein that gets integrated into filaments called microtubules that provide internal structure for cells. The identification of rare mutations in this gene that are more common in left-handers suggests that microtubules are involved in setting up the brain’s normal asymmetries, Francks said.
>The two cerebral hemispheres start to develop differently in the human embryo, though the mechanism has remained unclear.
Paper: [Exome-wide analysis implicates rare protein-altering variants in human handedness | Nature Communications](