Besteuerung der Ultrareichen bei der UNO. Finnwatch, eine finnische Bürgerorganisation, reicht eine Petition ein. Das sollten auch andere EU-Staaten tun.

Von Scortas


  1. itsjonny99 on

    Unless you get the biggest players to agree, eg US+EU it just enables people to keep money stored in the Caymans/Bermuda.

  2. But Reagan and Thatcher told us that it will eventually trickle down!

  3. WannysTheThird on

    You mean they will tax them hard than the progressive taxes that reach up to 70+% in some US states?

    Which they never pay anyway? What’s the point of introducing new taxes if they are unable to enforce the existing ones in the first place?

  4. Silver_Atractic on

    Hey OP can you give us a link to this petition? I’m gonna share it with some Finnish friends of mine

  5. Gen3_Holder_2 on

    Of course it’s Finland. Can we do ANYTHING that isn’t motivated by jealousy?

  6. Salmonman4 on

    Pointing out that the current Finnish government is comprised of the more right-wing parties of the Finnish political spectrum.

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