McGregor ordnete an, CCTV-Aufnahmen nicht zu verbreiten

Von Tom_Jack_Attack


  1. Britterminator2023 on

    It must show her in a negative light if her team are so concerned about people making up their own minds on what happened after viewing it

  2. Good. He made no secret that he intended to use this footage to somehow absolve him from his actions, ‘*look at this, she was asking for it*’ – while conveniently ignoring the fact that a jury in our highest court deemed “it” to be **rape**.

  3. pauldavis1234 on

    Censorship is always wrong.

    A huge amount of people will now think McGregor is being treated unjustly by this.

    This is a bad decision.

  4. IntentionFalse8822 on

    This should see him in a cell with Enoch when he inevitably gets coked up some night and decides to send it to put two fingers up at the judge.

  5. BeanEireannach on

    “He ordered that Mr McGregor swear an affidavit outlining the steps he has taken to do this.”

    GOOD. Because if it turns out he keeps it on his phone & is showing it to people (or if it’s found that he forwarded it on) there’s a better chance of him being held to account for it.

    I wonder where the law stands in terms of his girlfriend & family disseminating it. Really hope there’s not a stupid loophole there.

  6. Ok-Corner-7134 on

    Why can’t the court or someone share the footage of the whole thing rather then him doing it so we can all see for our own eyes what really happened.

  7. SnorkelBucket on

    He genuinely disgusts me. His demeanour, his actions, the way he looks, the way he dresses, the way he talks. Repulsive man.

  8. Ok_Magazine_3383 on

    “If she has nothing to hide then she should for no good reason let her rapist share select pieces of evidence that suit him with the general public, so weirdos like me get to criticise her behaviour” say Ireland’s most stupid rape apologists.

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