Einfluss der Nahrungsaufnahme von Endprodukten der fortgeschrittenen Glykierung auf Biomarker von Typ-2-Diabetes: eine systematische Überprüfung und Metaanalyse


1 Comment

  1. Study title is boring, but a very interesting paper. As Examine says: [Diets high in advanced glycation end products promote insulin resistance](https://examine.com/research-feed/study/9kjAb0/) (via [HN](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42668123))

    > In this meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, diets that were high in advanced glycation end products worsened insulin resistance, fasting glucose, and insulin levels.

    [The graphic is informative](https://examine.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/platform/2024/12/WJG8wa9IkkNeyZLr4BXoRX1Jy1psE7Nz0VTqSc4C.png).

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