Paneuropa-Union-Präsident Karl von Habsburg fordert den Zerfall Russlands als neues politisches Ziel der EU


    1. Escalatory, dangerous, plays into Putins narrative, counterproductive to fostering an end to the war in Ukraine

    2. EUstrongerthanUS on

      SS: In a new speech, Karl von Habsburg, a prominent advocate for European integration, is advocating for a more assertive EU policy when it comes to the Russian question. 

      From his viewpoint, holding the line is not enough. Europe must bring the fight to Russia. The over-centralization of power in Moscow stifles the development of Russia’s diverse regions and undermines the rights of its people to come closer to Europe. Breaking up Russia could lead to positive governance and improved human rights. And a small muscovite state surrounded by EU-friendly republics wouldn’t have the resources and gravitas to threaten Europe. 

      Breaking up Russia, in this context, would mean the establishment of a new, more equitable balance of power on Europe’s eastern borders.

    3. annoyinglyAddicted on

      An economic union is now slowly eroding the sovereignty of its members and then calling for a breakup of a nuclear power. Lol

    4. Retsae_Gge on

      Prepare for a russian breakup ?
      Is there any version of that without nukes many nukes being shot ?

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