Die irische Gruppe Kneecap über das britische Establishment


Von 1DarkStarryNight


  1. Is_Mise_Edd on

    Aye, more power to them, maybe teach them some Geography lessons while ye’re at it.

  2. No_Performance_6289 on

    Cringe statement.

    I seem to recall Banshees of Inishirin winning 4 awards. Also Cillian Murphy. I doubt anyone saw this as some anti-brit victory

    There’s been many people from former colonies winning BAFTAs and no one cares.

  3. No-Menu6048 on

    the movie was a blast, i was expecting some overhyped crap. the soundtrack is great too. blown away by it. not sure where they go from here though but they’ve come this far and hopefully can grow now.

  4. It’s amazing how Kneecap have re-calibrated them being embraced wholeheartedly by the British media establishment as them plundering the colonisers.

    In my opinion their music is shite, and so was the film, but I can’t deny that Kneecap are masters of publicity stunts and pulling the wool over their gullible useful idiot fans’ eyes. Maybe that’s why your man wears a balaclava.

  5. AmazingUsername2001 on

    Their whole schtick seems a bit repetitive and on the nose. How many symbols of Irish-ness is the guy wearing in the photo? An Irish flag balaclava (edgy!), an Irish flag patch, Celtic knot stripes, etc. I mean imagine a mainstream American or British musician having this many flags or symbols of nationality on their clothes during a performance? It would be pretty cringe in any setting. At this point they could consider dropping the pantomime and actually focusing on the music?

    Plus; they’re acting like Irish actors (or musicians) winning British awards is some sort of revolutionary new thing? The fact is many Irish actors and musicians do well in the U.K., win awards regularly, and a fair chunk of them relocate there.

  6. f-ingsteveglansberg on

    God, they’re a bit insufferable, aren’t they.

    If an actor released an album and got nominated for a respected award in the field and said “Music is a piece of piss. That wasn’t hard at all. Should have done this sooner” people would be calling them arrogant pricks.

  7. PetersMapProject on

    If they were paying anything more than lip service to their position, they’d be following Sinn Féin’s example and declining the nomination. 

    But no, they’re quite happy to accept the nomination, presumably because there’s prize money involved. 

  8. The-Outlaw-Torn on

    It’s delicious seeing the West Brits get riled up about this in the comments. Keep it coming.

  9. AulMoanBag on

    Awh man I loved that movie. The shtick is getting a bit repetitive though. The director was English wasn’t he?

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