Eines der größten Waldgebiete in Flandern: Wijnendaelebos Torhout. Der Zutritt scheint verboten… Was ist hinter den Zäunen schützenswert?


Von StatisticianPure6334


  1. iknewyouknew on

    According to the wiki page of that forest, half of it is inaccessible due to it being a protected forest reserve.

  2. A part is privately owned, and half of the publicly owned part is inaccessible because it’s a nature reserve.

    So what is behind the fences, worth protecting? The forest.

  3. Setup a camera system for a month and see who drives in and out. That should dispel any conspiracy rumours.

  4. IOnlyRedditAtWorkBE on

    Worth protecting? Nature. Protection from whom? From you.

  5. NotJustBiking on

    The Forest itself of course. To protect it from more ribbon development

  6. _deleteded_ on

    You call 285 hectares a big forest? You can literally hide in Nationaal Park Hoge Kempen (12.742 hectares) for days and not even a whole army can find you.

  7. Ironic-username-232 on

    “I’m not allowed to go here? Must be some kind of conspiracy!!1!”

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