People Power Party 35 %, Demokratische Partei 33 % … Lee Jae-myung 28 %, Kim Moon-soo 13 % (NBS-Umfrage)

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    1. Illustrious_Diver_37 on

      (Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Lim Hyeong-seop = On the 16th, the results of a public opinion poll came out showing that the People Power Party’s approval rating was 35%, while the Democratic Party of Korea’s approval rating was 33%.

      According to the National Barometer Survey (NBS) conducted by Embrain Public, Case Stat Research, Korea Research, and Korea Research from the 13th to the 15th with 1,005 men and women aged 18 or older, the approval ratings for the third week of January were tallied as follows.

      The People Power Party’s approval rating rose 3 percentage points (p) compared to last week, while the Democratic Party’s approval rating fell 3 percentage points.

      This is the first time in about four months that the People Power Party’s approval rating surpassed the Democratic Party’s in the fourth week of September last year (People Power Party 28%, Democratic Party 26%).

      The Fatherland Innovation Party was surveyed at 8%, the New Reform Party at 3%, and the Progressive Party at 1%, while 17% responded that they do not support any party.

      When asked, “If the presidential election were held this year, which party’s candidate would you vote for?”, 36% answered “Democratic Party candidate” and 33% answered “People Power Party candidate.”

      Among the respondents, 48% said, “An opposition candidate should be elected to change the government,” and 41% said, “A ruling party candidate should be elected to recreate the government.”

      In the same survey last week, there was a 16%p difference between the support for a change in government and the support for a recreated government, with 53% in favor and 37% in favor. However, in this week’s survey, the gap between the two responses narrowed to 7%p as the support for a change in government dropped below 50%.

      In terms of suitability for the next president, Lee Jae-myung of the Democratic Party of Korea received 28%, followed by Minister of Employment and Labor Kim Moon-soo with 13%, Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo with 8%, Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon with 6%, and former People Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon with 5%.

      Next were National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-sik (3%), Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon (3%), former People’s Power Party lawmaker Yoo Seung-min (2%), People’s Power Party lawmaker Ahn Cheol-soo (2%), New Reform Party lawmaker Lee Jun-seok (2%), and former South Gyeongsang Province Governor Kim Kyung-soo (1%).

      In the case of Representative Lee, his rating dropped 3%p from last week to below 30%, and Minister Kim’s rating was listed for the first time based on the NBS survey.

      In the presidential candidate favorability category, Representative Lee recorded 37%, Mayor Oh 28%, former Representative Han 24%, and Representative Ahn 19%.

      The NBS survey was conducted through telephone interviews using virtual mobile phone numbers (100%), and the sampling error is ±3.1%p at a 95% confidence level. The response rate was 19.6%. For more information, please refer to the website of the Central Election Opinion Survey Deliberation Committee.

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