Diese Person ist nicht mehr Alex Jones.

Von Bans4allTheRacists


  1. Bans4allTheRacists on

    SS: The physical change s not explainable with weight loss. This is a new person they have put in place of Alex Jones. He is probably a government employee working with the Bilderbergs.

  2. FrubbyWubby on

    Alex hasn’t been the same since before Trump was elected the first time. I’m old enough to remember when he knew both sides were bullshit.

  3. missscarlett1977 on

    dead giveaway when they add facial hair…..like they did with Billy Shears (also known as paul mccartney)

  4. upbeatelk2622 on

    It was always questionable whether Alex Jones really is the same age as Hello Kitty.

  5. Truth-is-Censored on

    Notice how they are leaving Infowars alone now after trying to shut them down

  6. BangkokPadang on

    See the thing is, he takes his shirt off kindof a lot. And he took it off yesterday for a photoshoot he’s been promising for a few weeks, and it’s definitely still Alex.

    EDIT: I looked over some more pictures to do some genuine analysis

    Same little bitty yellowed teeth with the central gap at the top. Same vertical crease in his forehead chub starting at the right side of his nose (his right) and running up between the next 2 wrinkles. Same half-wrinkle on his left side between those same wrinkles.

    Anecdotally, my dad was almost 300lbs around his age and dropped about the same amount of weight over 6 months just by actually stopping eating sugar, and Alex’s face has the same ‘loose’ not-quite-gaunt look of rapid weight loss where the skin isn’t as elastic as it used to be and hasn’t quite tightened up yet.

    Also, his arms and manboobs in the “photoshoot” have the telltale quick-weight loss flabby look, and he’s always had that “whiskey barrel” chest, the arms are just a little more defined, his traps are too.

    I refuse to do chest hair analysis but maybe someone can pick the torch up from me and carry on.

  7. Automatic_Analyst_20 on

    Alex Jones definitely sold his soul to be controlled. It’s why he doesn’t denounce zionists or the Israeli government anymore.

  8. Cautious-Swing-385 on

    People lose weight and all the unmedicated schitzos think they were cloned lmao

  9. No-Win-1137 on

    With Trump’s presidency, many old CIA assets are crawling out of the woodwork and getting into positions of power and influence or just get tasked with new things. This change requires that their old personas and activities get scrubbed both physically and mentally from the minds. Alex Jones is a high profile operative, so it is more obvious than others.

  10. Rizz_Crackers on

    He’s been working out like crazy, his trainer is some famous dude that Rogan knows. When you’ve gained a ton of weight from drinking, eating like shit and not taking care of yourself you can lose it all very quickly once sober, eating right and working out a ton.

    I love a good Alex Jones conspiracy but he’s been documenting this pretty heavily since he started.

  11. JaredUnzipped on

    It’s Alex Jones. He’s working with a personal trainer and cut out all the booze. It’s amazing what losing weight and trimming your beard will do for your looks.

  12. Bonnawarr4 on

    He quit drinking and has a personal trainer. This is him. Roll another joint and relax

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