FoxNews: „Die meisten Leute, mit denen wir gesprochen haben, unterstützten Trumps Kommentare nicht und fanden sie beleidigend.“


  1. NotGeriatrix on

    did they tell the Greenlanders about the US minimum wage……or how about the prospect of student debt and medical bankruptcies……?

    still not convinced……?

    then maybe mass shooting would win them over

  2. FabulousSyrup3707 on

    That must have cost Fox a few bucks.
    Ya know mate, buyin’ a few friend in a pub…
    We know the two brothers in control / ownership at Fox are detached Gifted Sperm Globalists…spoiled socialist clowns from the same Australia that is on the precipice of Unanimous national bankruptcy….
    Yeah….and their boy is the scowling Brett Baier Noe that lil’ Chris Wallace and Fat Ass Cavuto are gone

  3. FabulousSyrup3707 on

    With the prospect of the Soy Saturated Anti American poorly read reprobate Leftist clowns being subpoenaed exposed tried & arrested for crimes of money laundering extortion and treason from every overpopulated incompetent department of the duly Unelected pro Payola Government….Northern Virginia and its population of leftist K Street Political parasite’s may be headed for a real Estate turn over the likes of only god has seen.

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