Russischer Söldner mit Drohne an der Grenze zwischen den USA und Mexiko gefangen


  1. alwaysfatigued8787 on

    Haven’t we all drank too much at one time or another and ended up in Mexico with a drone, and then had to cross the Rio Grande to get back to the U.S.?

  2. It wasn’t one of their drones hitting that Canadian plane putting out fires the other day was it?

  3. gentleman_bronco on

    He was trying to make it to Gabbard’s confirmation hearing as a special guest. The GOP is hosting Russian assets these days.

  4. chuckie8604 on

    Fake passport, traveling through an alternate country is how spies bypass

  5. Intelligent-Sell494 on

    MAGA supports the Russians and worries about everyone else at the border.

  6. Conscious_Drive3591 on

    The arrest of Timur Praliev, a former Wagner Group mercenary, crossing the U.S.-Mexico border with a drone, cash, and multiple passports is a chilling reminder of border security vulnerabilities. The Wagner Group’s ties to war crimes and political violence make his presence near the U.S. deeply concerning.

    While his motives remain unclear, the possession of a drone suggests potential espionage or covert operations. This incident highlights the need for stronger border controls and vigilance against threats beyond economic migration. Praliev’s arrest isn’t just a border issue, it’s a wake-up call about global security risks hitting close to home.

  7. Since they are Russian, and not muslim, conservative zeitgeist won’t bat an eye.

  8. Dr_CleanBones on

    Wait a minute. If the border is “wide open”, who was around to catch this guy?

  9. rimshot101 on

    How did they catch him? Because I’ve been hearing that the border was wide open and unmanned for years.

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