1. Science_News on

    >Celtic women’s social and political standing in Iron Age England has received a genetic lift.

    >DNA clues indicate that around 2,000 years ago, married women in a Celtic society, known as Durotrigians, on the coast of south-central England stayed in their home communities while their partners came from outside the area, say paleogeneticist Lara Cassidy of Trinity College Dublin and colleagues.

    >This female-centered marriage pattern, called matrilocality, in ancient and modern societies tends to accompany greater opportunities for women to wield household and community power.

    [Read more here](https://www.sciencenews.org/article/iron-age-celtic-women-power-dna) and the [research article here. ](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08409-6)

  2. chrundlethegreat303 on

    Anyone else thinking about if that wife lead family/s had the same wife type jokes for husbands in social situations?

    Like , Hey, take my husband ……..please?

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