Welche Bezirke in den USA sind am „gebildetsten“? [OC]

Von OverflowDs


  1. OverflowDs on

    The [educational attainment](https://overflowdata.com/category/demographic-traits/education/) data for this visual was gathered from the U.S. Census Bureau’s API. The data is provided from 2023 American Community Survey 5-year estimates and is for the percentage of people that are 25 years old and older. After I scraped the data from the API using Python, I then used [Tableau](https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/overflowds/vizzes) to create this viz. Data is also avalible from [2022](https://overflowdata.com/demographic-data/national-data/county-level-analysis/county-educ-22/?Year=2022).

  2. LongjumpingDemand300 on

    A little shocked and I think it’s suspect that Massachusetts isn’t anywhere in that list of top counties.

  3. Why is “Educated” in scare quotes? Are you suggesting that that’s not the right word?

  4. bduxbellorum on

    Falls Church, Arlington, and Los Alamos Counties…everyone knows what all those PhDs are doing right?

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