Daten zeigen, dass im vergangenen Jahr fast 50.000 internationale Studierende, die nicht erschienen sind, ihre kanadische Studienerlaubnis nicht eingehalten haben


  1. backlight101 on

    Absolutely inexcusable the government let it get to this point.

    Article suggests the number could be even higher as some schools have not reported. Some could have illegally migrated to the US, we don’t know where they are, or in some cases who they really are.

    This plus the fact the ones that do show up are allowed to work 24h a week, it’s no wonder young Canadians students can’t find work in industries that they used to.

  2. Sensitive_Tadpole210 on

    This is a big issue as these people stay in canada and we don’t track them well.

    The assassin’s who killed Mr Nijjar in Vancouver where international student who came from indja but never attended any classes.

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