Zeitalter der Panzootie: Wissenschaftler warnen vor weiteren verheerenden Krankheiten, die zwischen den Arten auftreten


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  1. PrintOk8045 on

    From the article:

    >>For months, highly pathogenic bird flu, or H5N1, has been circulating in dairy farms, with dozens of human infections reported among farm workers. It has now jumped into more than 48 species of mammals, from bears to dairy cows, causing mass die-offs in sea lions and elephant seal pups. Last week, the first person in the US died of the infection.

    For years my theory has been that the Earth biome is pissed off. It realizes the harm being done to it by humans and is reacting as any sane entity would, namely, by fighting back. No, I’m not saying that the Earth itself is a sentient being, but it is a living thing. And all living things share one common trait, and that is the desire to exist.

    Consistent with this theory, I am confident we are going to see a consistent and significant increase in cross-species viral outbreaks as the Earth fights back against its greatest enemy. They will at once become more common and more deadly thereby increasing the chances that the Earth will prevail. I also predict that after decades of trying out different strains, at some point in the next next 50 years, the Earth will identify another particularly virulent strain and impose a sentence for a billion or more.

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