28-jähriger Mann vor Gericht, weil er zehn Grundschulmädchen weinend und widerstandslos vergewaltigt hat: „Ich habe die Tat aus einem Manga für Erwachsene nachgeahmt.“ „Ich bringe dich um, wenn du nicht den Mund hältst.“ „Ich werde dich beobachten.“ die ganze Zeit”



  1. Shiningc00 on


    >The first trial of Tomoya Yanagimoto, 28, a former hospital employee, was held at the Osaka District Court (Hiroki Ito presiding) on April 14. The defendant, Tomoya Yanagimoto, was charged with houesbreaking, rape, and other crimes for repeatedly sexually abusing elementary school girls who were staying at home alone. The trial was held for one of the 10 victims, and the defendant admitted to the charges and apologized, saying, “I am very sorry that my selfishness has caused great inconvenience and emotional distress”. The defense stated that in the remaining cases, the defendant admitted to all the facts charged in the indictment.

    >The case heard on this day was the one from March 2016, in which the defendant is alleged to have committed the first crime. According to the prosecution’s opening statement, the defendant, a university student, posed as an electrician and entered the home of an elementary school girl. He threatened to kill the girl, who cried and resisted, and assaulted her, injuring her. He also took pictures of her and told her not to tell anyone, saying, “If you say a word about it, I will show it to friends”.

    >Before committing this crime, the defendant checked on the girl and her family for about a month and a half to see when they went out and came home. He recorded these times on his smartphone, looking for an opportunity to commit the crime. After the crime, he told the girl that he would be watching her all the time. In court, the mother of the girl read out a deposition in which she expressed her anguish, saying that her words had been haunting her since the perpetrator had not been arrested for years.

    >According to the indictment, the defendant repeatedly committed similar crimes from 2016 to July 2022, just before his arrest.

  2. I don’t blame the manga, but if that’s imitation that is one fucked up piece of “literature”.

  3. DanimalPlanet42 on

    Weird how Manga seems to be such a common factor when it comes to men who do this kind of thing. A bunch of Manga creators have been arrested for similar crimes.

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