Puerto Rico bittet Trump um Hilfe, nachdem Venezuelas Maduro mit einer Invasion gedroht hat



  1. Class_of_22 on

    I really hope to god that Venezuela doesn’t do anything, and I hope that this is like Guyana. But now that Venezuela is alleging that Nicaragua and Cuba are involved, I think that this might be a sign that something is gonna happen. Sooner than later.

  2. GiantEnemaCrab on

    Venezuela isn’t going to invade Puerto Rico. Even if they wanted to… uhh… invade the US (?) they lack the power projection to make it happen. Venezuela has literally like 25 patrol boats and none can operate over the ocean. They would have to use civilian ships and airliners meaning the invasion force would have to land wherever the ports / airports are with absolutely zero fire support. The invasion force would be made up of at best a few thousand lightly armed and confused soldiers. They would most likely attempt landings in San Juan which is conveniently located next to a large Puerto Rico military installation. The entire invasion “fleet” would get violently obliterated by the Puerto Rican national guard.

    This is a garbage article that just crammed every spicy word they can find into the title to get clicks. Still it’s a pretty funny concept so I’ll give it points for that.

  3. Worldly_Abalone551 on

    I can see Trump using this to provoke Venezuela into a war by claiming he’s defending America (he already insinuated he wants Meduro gone).

    Then, at the same time, he’ll find a reason to grab Panama for “security”.

    Or nothing will happen because he’s too unpredictable 🤷‍♂️

  4. earthforce_1 on

    Last time Trump was there he was throwing them paper towels. I wouldn’t hope for much.

  5. Maduro really wants to Alt+F4 himself if he’s going to…attack the United States with hundreds of B-52’s within an 8 hour work day of Caracas

  6. Awkward-Hulk on

    What kind of timeline do we even live in at this point? This is something I’d expect to see out of a meme in 2016. Yet, this is a real thing that’s happening today. 🤦🏼‍♂️

  7. LibrtarianDilettante on

    Maduro is the cartoonish villain America needs right now.

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