Sojang (Konzentrationslager Taldeok) wurde wegen der von IVE JANG WONYOUNG erhobenen Verleumdungsklage zu einer zweijährigen Haftstrafe auf Bewährung und einer dreijährigen Bewährungsstrafe sowie zur Zahlung von 200 Millionen Won als Entschädigung verurteilt


  1. impeccabletim on

    **[English translation cr. IVEGLOBALS:](**

    >SOJANG has been sentenced to a 3 years suspended prison term and a fine of 200 million won.
    >The charges included defamation and insult under the Information and Communications Network Act. Additionally, SOJANG was ordered to pay approximately 200 million won.
    >SOJANG was accused of producing videos that defamed seven individuals, including IVE’s Jang Wonyoung, aespa, and EXO’s Suho, between October 2021 and June 2023.
    >SOJANG was also charged with obstructing the business operations of five of these individuals by posting insulting videos. Through her Channel, SOJANG reportedly earned about 250 million won in revenue.
    >The court emphasized the severity of defamation, noting the irreparable harm to victims and the substantial profits SOJANG made. However, the court took into account that SOJANG had eventually acknowledged their wrongdoing and shown remorse.

  2. jindouxian on

    Get wrecked!

    Hope the other cases get favourable outcomes as well.

  3. mixedbagofdisaster on

    Me dancing on Sojang’s grave 🥳🥳🥳


  4. ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q)

    There’s many more punishment for her from the lawsuits that Kang Daniel, Suho, and Aespa filed against her. DESERVE!!!

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