Yoon verhaftet



    1. Finally
      But I still think he should’ve been dragged out with cuffs and paraded for all to see

    2. YourCripplingDoubts on

      Finally. Now how much did that cost? 1000 people. All after he got his lil salary raise! Insane, expensive old bitch.

    3. DateMasamusubi on

      It is for 48 hours. Authorities will need another warrant to keep him in detention.

    4. giantpunda on

      Glad that it’s finally happened.

      I’ll be curious to see if the president was insolent right up until the very end and whether or not he attempted to resist arrest once he came face to face with his captors.

    5. SafariSeeker25 on

      Congrats to South Korea for handling their wannabe dictator. Maybe my country will take notes and do something about our buffoon.

    6. I guess his visit to beomeoso temple couldn’t keep him out of prison

    7. Joeyakathug69 on

      The fact that this hooligan is claiming the arrest is illegitimate, but accepting to “prevent conflict” just baffles me. Motherfucker is portraying him as a hero in this shit ending in peace. Its your bodyguards who felt enough guilt about this fiasco ended in peace. He is saying CIO is illegitimately investigating, and court is illegitimately approving the warrant.

      He attempted to immobilize the parliament and now he is accusing the court being an illegitimate. Violating the whole separation of power balance.

      Just for his greed of power and freedom.

      He truly collapsed the power of law. The collapse he is accusing others.

    8. Slangwhanger on

      His statement is just more evidence of how deluded he is ([source](https://www.donga.com/news/Politics/article/all/20250115/130865405/1)).

      > 국민 여러분께서 그동안, 특히 우리 청년들이 자유민주주의의 소중함을 정말 재인식하게 되고 여기에 대한 열정을 보여주시는 것을 보고, 저는 지금은 법이 무너지고 칠흑같이 어두운 시절이지만 이 나라의 미래는 희망적이라는 생각을 갖게 됐습니다.

      > To see the people, especially our young people, really rediscovering the value of liberal democracy and showing such passion for it, I feel that even though these are dark times with the breakdown of the law, the future of this country is hopeful.

      Yes, young people are out there protesting for you, the beacon of liberal democracy in Korea.

    9. rosesoflight on

      I’m so glad they finally got him! Its 3am in europe I couldn’t sleep before seeing how he finally got arrested! Democracy lives! South Korea has saved its face on the global stage and has shown the wold that it is possible to get it through without any violent escalation!

    10. One thing I do like is that the route they are taking is the exact route the Jeon Bong-jun Brigade drove their tractors. That’s some poetic justice.

    11. I honestly don’t care about all the democracy manifest and all that.

      I hate the save-the-face culture of Korea with a burning passion.

      And I find it very satisfying that Yoon, one of the most obnoxious save-the-face examples, got his face completely destroyed like that.

    12. Congratulations to the Korean people! As a Syrian I hope we get Assad too.

    13. So besides how the impending legal drama will go, the other thing I want to know is when the movie about all this will come out.

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