Jean Chrétien, 91, fordert junge Leute auf, sich besser zu kleiden und zu heiraten


    1. ubcstaffer123 on

      >Chrétien still makes a point of going to the office every day; he’s said in prior interviews that four days a week he leaves home by 9 a.m. for his Dentons law office. He repeatedly emphasized the importance of work, saying he came from a family where working “is a pleasure.” “For a lot of people, working is a burden,” he said.

      Chretien is still working! You could hire him for law related inquiries?

    2. flatulentbaboon on

      Thought this headline was going to be about something else when it led with the name and age.

    3. Yeah. My Grampa feels similarly, but he had the sense to retire and keep his comments restricted to family and his favourite waitresses, who he tips terribly well.

    4. QultyThrowaway on

      Half the people would be singing and dancing if Jordan Peterson said this. It doesn’t really cost much to dress properly and not like a slob and there’s people broker than you that have partners. He’s 100% right. Though the headline is super reductive about an actual interview he had where he was mostly just reminiscing about how his late wife balanced him when he was formerly an unruly youth.

    5. GoodResident2000 on

      Interesting because PP essentially said the same thing and was lambasted for it

    6. mayorolivia on

      This is a clickbait article. Watch the video. Chrétien was asked to share some advice and he spoke about what he felt worked for him. He wasn’t lecturing.

    7. I dont know why the comments are so hostile.

      Why cant we just laugh at this and just go “okay grandpa” – because that is the exact type of comment i would expect from my grandparents when they see me doing work at home in tshirt and shorts.

    8. readytolearn79 on

      Not a fan of the liberal party at the moment, but this is some great advice!

    9. JoeUrbanYYC on

      What a trash headline, he was specifically asked his advice on how to present yourself in society and a part of his answer was “watch the way you dress, I never come to the office without a tie.” and said he wasn’t comfortable wearing sneakers like the younger dude interviewing and then specifically said he’s not saying the interviewer is wrong to be wearing them.

      And as far as marriage he just said he married at 23 while relaying his history. 

    10. backlight101 on

      People can make fun of this dress better statement all they want, I know the people who turn up at the office a few times a week, I know when they put some effort into having a shower and dressing half decent, and I’m not anything close to a fossil, a millennial in fact.

      Those that always work from home, don’t turn their camera on, don’t let me put a face to a name. They are disadvantaged, even if it’s subconscious

      Dislike it all you want, be people that succeed at least try to be outgoing, be personable, make a name for themselves. You’re not going to be the next VP if you never leave your basement.

    11. NateFisher22 on

      Honestly, I am of the younger generations. I have to say, the style is utter trash for the most part

    12. Deep_Space52 on

      It really depends on where you live.
      General streetwear is obviously more informal now than when Chrétien was a young adult. But there’s still a big difference between neighbourhoods where people are dressed casually but neatly, and areas where it’s not unusual to see grown adults walking around in pajama bottoms and flipflops at midday.

    13. I had the pleasure of meeting him over several weeks when I first moved to Canada, he was hilarious and hands down my favorite Canadian that I’ve met and I’ve met some great people in this country over the last 15 years.

    14. MonsieurLeDrole on

      This is why conservatives want to kill the CBC, so all your media is clickbait bs like this.

    15. I watched this before it was posted, he’s got good advice so watch the video.

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