Dies ist das alte Zuhause meiner Familie in Cuxhaven, das leider nicht mehr steht, da ich es gerne besucht hätte … Zu Ihrer Information: Ich recherchiere für mein eigenes Buch über das Leben/die Kultur der Deutschen Nordsee, Plattdeutsch usw. Wenn überhaupt Kann mir einen Einblick in das Leben in dieser Gegend geben, bitte teilen! 🙂 🙂


    Von yoteachthanks

    1 Comment

    1. yoteachthanks on

      Family names are: Jud, Spiek(a)er, Sehlmeyer and Fricke, not sure where the exact location of this house was in Cuxhaven- although I would love to know that as well in some strange case that someone recognized it or it’s former location. My grandmother (now passed so I can’t ask her) and my grandfather visited it together within the last ~40 yrs but I also don’t know when it was demolished. I know the “low German” culture can be quite different, so please- any insights would be great! My book is set in Weimar Berlin if you wanted a more specific time period. TIA! 🙂

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