Ist dieser winzige Punkt neben dem Mond Mars?


    1. Potential_Wish4943 on

      A good way to tell is to go out just before it gets dark enough for the stars to come out. The visible planets will already be shining brightly. Mars isnt as bright as Venus (its both smaller and further away) but is visibly orange even to the naked eye. Venus will always be in the direction the sun went, what with the whole “Being closer to the sun” thing and all. While mars can move around seemingly more randomly.

    2. Yes, today in the UK it is mars. Get a star tracker app to see loads. There is also Jupiter visible by the naked eye and Uranus and others visible if you know where to look with strong binoculars or a telescope

    3. rocketwikkit on

      You’d have to say when (and in what time zone) the photo was taken. The moon moves across the sky fairly quickly compared to the planets, which move faster than the stars.

    4. Download a free app like Sky Guide, and you can point your phone at things to find out what they are!

    5. I know there are maps online where you can input a date/time and gps coordinates and it will show you exactly the sky at that moment and positions of any potentially visible celestial objects. I think I have a link to a great one on my home computer somewhere but I can’t recall at the moment.

    6. The_KoC_74 on

      If the picuture is from tonight or last night then yes, Mars was slightly “behind” (to the east of it) yesterday, today it is slightly “ahead”

    7. spoonhocket on

      Assuming it was yesterday then yes! Last few days have been great for spotting planets as Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are all visible at the same time shortly after sunset, and Venus has been absurdly bright lately.

    8. verstohlen on

      Mars also looks kind of orange-y too. Not kidding, it really does.

    9. blackmarketmenthols on

      In my experience Mars is always extremely easy to spot as it has a orangish / reddish color.

    10. Goosecock123 on

      I would say Venus – it seems like it’s early in the evening/morning and it’s low on the horizon. Also very bright, while not a lot of stars are visible yet.

    11. Here in England, I saw Mars, Venus, and Jupiter as i left work. So cool. Venus is huge right now.

    12. NobleDiceDream on

      When it’s from today around 7pm, Europe and you are looking roughly to the east, then yes. (I took a walk during this time and saw the exact same 3 lined up stars. From top to bottom: Castor, Pollux, Mars

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