(Deutsch) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2JYxrZMHQQ

    (Französisch) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=740EKOiCdyI

    (Italienisch) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcrbBKQAiGE

    Ich verstehe den Sinn des Videos nicht wirklich, es ist lustig, aber finden Sie es dennoch ein gutes Video für ihren 100. Geburtstag? "Geburtstag" ? Ich meine, was ist der Sinn? Ich habe es in den letzten Tagen mehrmals im Fernsehen gesehen und dachte: „Warum?“ Wer hatte diese Werbeidee? Aber vielleicht siehst du das anders

    What do you think of Migros 100 years anniversary video?
    byu/GetOutBasel inSwitzerland

    Von GetOutBasel


    1. Fanaertismo on

      You are talking about it and you have found it so interesting that you created a reddit post about it… I would say that, at least with you, it has been a success.

      In my opinion, it is a good produced video that just tries to make you remember migros and give you a positive view on it. It makes you think that migros is needed and it tries to be fun.

      I don’t think it is the best ad in the world, but I think it makes sense.

    2. Well, at least it’s well made. Migros ads are primarily an ad for their Marketing agencies, because Migros throws money at them and they turn it into gold (same with the gnome in their Christmas ad, which is amazing). But I don’t buy it, especially not after the last year’s headlines. Migros isn’t as close to the people and doing us a service, the are as vicious as any other chain, they just wrap it in nice paper and try to sell it with emotions. It’s probably a 7/10 ad but I don’t buy ads, especially not if the CEO does statements like the most recent one.

      Maybe they should focus on financing short movies instead..

    3. swisstraeng on

      I don’t like it because it doesn’t tell anything about Migros. Doesn’t show how they progressed, key elements in their history, and so on.

      I suppose this was made to air on TV and had to be kept short.

      But here’s what Lego did for their 80th birthday https://youtu.be/qr_dTySMl7s

    4. spreadsheetsNcoffee on

      Yeah, I don’t get the point either. Like, what exactly is that ad trying to communicate?

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