Demut reduziert Wut und fördert eine freundlichere Interpretation von Konflikten. Die neue Studie zeigte, dass intellektuell bescheidene Personen offener für das Verständnis unterschiedlicher Perspektiven waren, was möglicherweise eine Erklärung für ihre verringerte Wut und Feindseligkeit darstellt.
Humility reduces anger and promotes more benign interpretations of conflict
I’ve linked to the news release in the post above. In this comment, for those interested, here’s the link to the peer reviewed journal article:
From the linked article:
Humility reduces anger and promotes more benign interpretations of conflict
Research published in Personality and Individual Differences suggests that humility—both as a trait and as an experimentally induced state—was associated with lower levels of anger and reduced hostile attributions in ambiguous social situations.
These effects persisted even after accounting for narcissism, a trait often considered the opposite of humility, suggesting that humility exerts unique and significant influence over anger regulation. The results also demonstrated that intellectually humble individuals were more open to understanding differing perspectives, which may help explain their reduced anger and hostility.
Overall, the results support the hypothesis that humility can serve as a protective factor against anger, with both trait humility and experimentally induced humility contributing to reduced emotional reactivity in anger-provoking situations.
Oh this is totally me. I love being humble. In fact it’s my greatest strength. My greatest weakness? Winning all my arguments because of my exceptional intellect and humility.
I guess it’s okay. A person who takes the time to think, analyze and put themselves in other people’s shoes generally has the time to control their ideas and also how to express themselves. Keep your temper in check with your head