[OC] Männer im Durchschnittsalter verlieren ihre Jungfräulichkeit

Von ChipotleAccount


  1. HalfAssedSetting on

    What’s the data source and to what extent is it susceptible to social desirability bias?

  2. ToastrStr8dleInvntr on

    Odd choice of color scale. It’s bothering me. I wish it was light to dark, not yellow to purple/deep blue

  3. Over_n_over_n_over on

    This is so much older than Pop Culture has led me to believe

  4. Haha I just turned 21 today and see this. Maybe I’ll lose it this year.

  5. Aafra_retention on

    In India , first condition for sex is to have an Engg or a medical degree

  6. TheBlackestIrelia on

    Seems pretty low for an Avg, but maybe that tracks idk. Wizard.

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