Mars und Mond während der Bedeckung, Januar 2025


  1. astraveoOfficial on

    I made this image during the occultation last night. I filmed a timelapse of the entire event and caught true captures of occultation and re-emergence. This shot is a composite made of dedicated exposures on the Moon and Mars, using 6SE + IR cut filter + ZWOASI224MC + Fire Capture. For the moon I took multiple exposures using my DSLR and aligned them in procreate; for Mars I used the ZWO and stacked the top 1% or so of 16,000 frames. If you weren’t able to watch the occultation yourself, I put the timelapse up as a video here: The first timelapse showing disappearance was filmed on the 6SE using the ZWO; the second timelapse showing re-emergence was filmed on my S50. It covers a full 9 minutes of the re-emergence in just 30 seconds!

  2. Great way to show how small Mars appears to us, I didn’t realize it was so small

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